Ministries & Programs
Care is provided for children from infancy to 2 years old during the Sunday morning service. This allows their parents the opportunity to enjoy the service.
Bible School
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. Children between the ages of 3 and 12 are taught Bible stories in an interactive way, in classes according to specific age groups.
Pastoral Care:
Make an appointment or drop in at the office.
Men’s Ministry
Supporting each other through discussions, prayer and social events.
Men’s Bible Study Wednesday at 10:00 AM
Women’s Ministry
The goals of this ministry are, “To build each other up spiritually, so that we can encourage and serve each other, and prepare ourselves to reach out to the community around us and beyond”. Programs include weekly Bible Studies; periodic events focusing on biblically-based topics, special interest, e.g. Personal Health; social; and personal prayer support.
Please call (905) 683-4802 if you would like to participate in any of the above.
Ladies’ Bible Study Thursday 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Music Ministry
This includes singers, musicians, sound equipment operators, Power-point operators.
Prayer Meeting: A time of Bible study and praying for each other and specific prayer needs.
Ushers and Greeters: aka ‘The Welcome Committee’.
Members and guests are greeted at the door by our greeters, and ushered into the Sanctuary by our ushers.
Community Support
Collection of food and other items for distribution to those in need in cooperation with the Southside Food Bank.
A variety of Bible-based books for leisure reading for all ages. Bible study materials, biographies etc., as well as videos and DVDs; all available for lending.
Games Nights
Board games and snacks are enjoyed at unscheduled times throughout the year.
Seasonal Dinners and Social Evenings
Special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas are celebrated together as a church family.